Go Deeper Courses
Go Deeper courses have been designed to help you discover all that God has for you personally. It is our desire to serve you and your family by coming alongside you as we all grow closer to Jesus. These four courses in discipleship and assimilation will get you connected at Encounter AZ.

The Family course is the basic introduction to our church family. In this class you will learn about who we are and what we believe. You will also be able to ask questions about our mission and our vision at Encounter AZ. This is the first of four classes.

The Essentials course is based on teaching you how to be a disciple of Jesus. The discipleship training you receive in this course will teach you principles that will help you mature in your faith.

The Purpose course is focused on helping you discover your unique gifting and personality. This will assist you in finding where you can be used in the body of Christ.

The Teams course will be an opportunity to get connected to a volunteer team at Encounter AZ. Based on what we discovered in the Purpose course about your gifts and personality, we will allow each member to attend an orientation of the team that best fits their design.